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Working Smarter Not Harder. Sounds great, right?

If it feels like you always have a long list of tasks to complete and things to do, then you probably really know the meaning of the word “busy”.

But is busy an indicator of “doing well” or could your time be spent more productively? Now’s the time for Working Smarter Not Harder. 

I consider myself good at multitasking and I can really focus on a task to get it done quickly. However, there are still times when I feel like I need extra hours in the day or an extra pair of hands. Well – it doesn’t have to be that way – because I’ve found some expert tips for us!

I decided to do some research on ways that I can work smarter not harder.  The goal is to have more time to sleep, enjoy time with my kids and get more out of life. But to still get loads of (great quality) work done.

Wouldn’t it be great to effectively and efficiently complete work related duties but still have time to stop and smell the roses?

I really like the tips in this article by author Jordan Bates: Work Smarter, Not Harder: 21 Time Management Tips to Hack Productivity.

One of my favourites of the suggestions made is to turn key tasks into habits. I do this with my kids a lot and it works. We brush teeth twice a day at the same point in the day so I never forget and they seem to appreciate the predictability of a routine.

Another good suggestion is to “do less”.

Basically remove any unnecessary task and – voila – you have less to do. There’s no harm in reducing workload – especially if it’s a task that’s of limited gain or usefulness. Or maybe time constraints clearly dictate the need to prioritise and reduce workload.

Finally – and a favourite lifestyle habit in general – eat healthy and exercise! When I’m at my best healthwise all tasks are a lot easier.

Please share any additional tips you may have in the comments.